This year, I had the privilege of participating in Orientation from the other side of the table. As a 2L, I volunteered to be a mentor for the incoming 1Ls, and to help out with orientation. At 9am Wednesday morning, the first new students began to arrive. I could immediately sympathize with their looks of apprehension, mixed with excitement. Beginning law school is a terrifying experience, but I was extremely proud of the fantastic job the St. Thomas community did to make the new 1Ls feel as comfortable as possible.
Professor Sullivan organized a group of about 40 upper-level students to serve as mentors for the incoming 1Ls, and I truly feel the mentors represented what I love best about St. Thomas. We are a welcoming, helpful, caring community of students, faculty, and staff. It was a pleasure to greet the new students with such a fantastic support system. Although beginning law school is intimidating, it is much less so when you are surrounded with so many friendly faces, who are all more than willing to help.
I am proud to be a student at St. Thomas, and to have the opportunity to represent St. Thomas as a mentor. There are so many vehicles that the new 1Ls have at their disposal to help ease the tension of first year. I urge all current students to take advantage of the student mentors, the professor’s open-door policies, the academic support department, the active learning instructors, and the myriad of other opportunities St. Thomas provides to students. It is clear that everyone at the school wants their students to excel, and I appreciate the overwhelming support and caring that is outpoured daily. The 2009-2010 academic year begins Monday, and I am confident that it will be a great one!
Nice one Emily!